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Special Offers

Staying ahead or our competitors with the new and innovative thinking and ways with the Flash Specials that are customized to the pharmacy group at SUPER LOW prices to sweeten the visit to our pharmacies.

Putting your needs first is a priority to us that includes saving you money.

Healthforce logo
Healthforce is the new, easier way for people to connect with health providers and receive the best care where they need it most.

Our unique digital health management system empowers nurses to initiate telemedicine between remote doctors and local patients. Scripts are sent directly to the participating pharmacies for immediate fulfilment on premises. Healthforce has also been added as one of only two official suppliers of the Vitality Wellness Programme, allowing patients to upload their health statistics and earn points all in one go.

Simpler, smarter and so much more convenient, it's the new way forward for South African healthcare.